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Sirvi tooteid tootja järgi

Seadmed ja tarvikud (100)

Tootekood Toote nimetus Pakend
435002Adapteri Scan® 100 -pesäkelaskuriin1 tk
435051Adaptor for Petrifilm™/Media Pads™/Compact Dry™ for Scan 50/Scan 50 Pro1 tk
505004Adjustable distribution system for Dilu Flow model1 tk
505005Adjustable distribution system for Dilu Flow Pro and Elite model1 tk
561401Autoclavable GL45 stopper + 0.2μ 1 58,80 58,80 filter
231350BagClip® 3500, pussinsulkijat malliin 350050 tk
231040BagClip® 400 -pussinsulkijat50 tk
231010BagClip® 80/100, pussinsulkijat50 tk
111720BagFilter Pipet & Roll 400 - Box of 500-bags500 kotti
113510BagFilter® 3500 P, pipetoitava, non-woven-suodatin, 25kpl/pussi100 tk
111425BagFilter® 400 P (25/bag), osalise filtriga500 tk
112425BagFilter® 400 S, kaadettava, non-woven suodatin, 25kpl/pussi500 tk
111710BagFilter® pipet 400500 tk
111625BagFilter® Pull-Up® (PCR), pipetoitava, non-woven suodatin, 25kpl/pussi500 tk
111700BagFilter® roll 400500 tk
132050BagLight PolySilk Box of 500-backs (Suodattamaton pussi Läpinäkyvä)500 tk
131025BagLight® 100, 25 tk/kotis500 kotti
133025BagLight® 3500, Stomacher-pussit malliin 3500250 tk
132225BagLight® 400 Multilayer®, Stomacher-pussit malliin 400, 25 kpl/pussi500 tk
132025BagLight® 400 Polysilk, Stomacher-kotid, mudel 400, 25tk/kotis500 tk
024230BagMixer® 400CC1 tk
025000BagMixer® 400S1 tk
025100BagMixer® 400SW 1 tk
022230BagMixer® 400W1 tk
505001BagOpen 400 in polycarbonate for DiluFlow® 1
505016BagOpen 400 in stainless steal for DiluFlow®
211040BagOpen® 400, Stomacher-pussin avaaja1 tk
211010BagOpen® 80/1001 tk
121025BagPage® 100, Stomacher-pussit malliin 100 suodattimella 500 tk
123010BagPage® 3500, Stomacher-pussit malliin 3500 suodattimella 100 tk
122325BagPage® 400 F, PCR stomacher-pussit , 25 kpl/pussi500 tk
161025BagPage® 400 R, Stomacher-pussit non woven -suodattimella, 25 kpl/pussi500 tk
122225BagPage® 400 U, Stomacher-pussit malliin 400 suodattimella, 25 kpl/pussi500 tk
122425BagPage® 400 XR, vahvennetut Stomacher-pussit, 25 kpl/pussi400 tk
122025BagPage® Plus 400, Stomacher-pussit malliin 400 suodattimella, 25 kpl/pussi500 tk
251091BagPipet®1 tk
221350BagRack® 3500, 4 compartments1 tk
221040BagRack® 400, pussiteline 10:lle pussille1 tk
221010BagRack® 80/100, pussiteline 11 paikkaa1 tk
221440BagRack® Slide 400ml x 12 Bags1 tk
252024BagTips® JUMBO, pipetinkärjet 24 cm1000 tk
252019BagTips® REGULAR, pipeti otsikud 19 cm1000 tk
145385Box of 250 RollBag 38 x 56250 kotti
513005Calibration Weight 500g1 tk
561403Connection part Inner diameter tubing Ø 6,4 mm6 tk
501203DiluFlow® Double Pump 3kg1 tk
503201DiluFlow® Elite Double Pump 1kg1 tk
503205DiluFlow® Elite Douple Pump 5kg1 tk
503101DiluFlow® Elite Single Pump 1kg1 tk
503105DiluFlow® Elite Single Pump 5kg1 tk
502205DiluFlow® Pro Double Pump 5kg1 tk
502105DiluFlow® Pro Single Pump 5kg1 tk
501103DiluFlow® Single Pump 3kg1 tk
561001Dispensing control with handy gun including electronic start button1 tk
221042Drip tray to slide under BagRack®4001 tk
414000EasySpiral® Dilute1 tk
412000EasySpiral® Plater1 tk
413000EasySpiral® Pro Plater1 tk
413017Eppendorf™ support 1,5/2 ml for EasySpiral® Plater1 tk
561000FlexiPump®1 tk
562000FlexiPump® Pro1 tk
507008Foot Pedal1 tk
505009GeckoGrip1 tk
513015Independant stand 1 tk
505010Integrable stand for broth bags1 tk
033230JumboMix® 3500 WarmMix®1 tk
031230JumboMix® 3500VP1 tk
032230JumboMix® 3500VW1 tk
513045Letkukokonaisuus DiluFlowhun yksi pumppu Ø 3,2mm1 tk
013230MiniMix® 100 W CC1 tk
011230MiniMix® 100VP (MiniMix® P CC®)1 tk
513024Nozzles tubing Ø 6,4 mm (4,8-8mm)5 tk
513040Nozzles tubing Ø 3,2 mm5 tk
241055PetriPile® 55, teline 55 mm:n petrimaljoille1 tk
241065PetriPile® 65, teline 65 mm:n petrimaljoille1 tk
241090PetriPile® 90, teline 90 mm:n petrimaljoille1 tk
505007Pump module for DiluFlow® Elite 1 tk
145142RollBag 14 x 23 - Box of 500500 kotti
145040RollBag® 1300 ml, Stomacher-pussit sulkijalla, 25 kpl/pussi500 tk
437000Scan® 1200 Automaatne koloonialoendur1 tk
436300Scan® 300 Automaatne koloonialoendur1 tk
435055Scan® 50 Pro, manual colony counter1 tk
435050Scan® 50, manual colony counter1 tk
436000Scan® 500 Automaatne koloonialoendur1 tk
513023set of 5 autoclavable filters 5 kpl komplekt
562202Set of dispensing tubings inner ø 3.2 mm with plastic connectors "Y"5 tk
561102Set of siliconetubings inner ø 3.2 mm + GL45 screwcap + tube weight + inoxnozzle + filter1 tk
562102Set of siliconetubings inner ø 3.2 mm + GL45 screwcap + tube weight + inoxnozzle + filter1 tk
561202Silicone tubing for single pump Ø 3,2mm 5 tk
561203Silicone tubing inner Ø 4,8mm 5 tk
561204Silicone tubing inner Ø 6,4mm 5 tk
561302Silicone tubings for pump head DiluFlow Ø 3,2 mm6 tk
561304Silicone tubings for pump head DiluFlow Ø 6,4 mm6 tk
513044Silicone tubings inner Ø 6,4 mm5 tk
413001Spiral Plater Housing protection for platers1 tk
021230Stomacher BagMixer 400P 1 tk
435001Suurennuslasi Scan® 100 -pesäkelaskuriin1 tk
513020Trocar for broth bags1 tk
513039Tube weights5 tk
505002Weighing platform 1 tk

Infection Prevention (1)

Tootekood Toote nimetus Pakend
320500Anabac® Peach100 tk