DILW2001 | Additional pump (Up to 4 by equipment) delivered with DILW2002 (set of tubing 6.4 mm. Pay attention that for total 3-4 pumps you need to add : DILW2020 (double nozzle holders left and right) | 1 |
DILW2031 | Bar code / QR code reader (1D/2D) for DILUWEL+ | 1 |
DILW2017 | Bowl holder (for flasks, bottles) | 1 |
DILW2022 | Dilu board (Weight Holder for calibration) | 1 |
501203 | DiluFlow® Double Pump 3kg | 1 tk |
503101 | DiluFlow® Elite Single Pump 1kg | 1 tk |
503105 | DiluFlow® Elite Single Pump 5kg | 1 tk |
502205 | DiluFlow® Pro Double Pump 5kg | 1 tk |
502105 | DiluFlow® Pro Single Pump 5kg | 1 tk |
501103 | DiluFlow® Single Pump 3kg | 1 tk |
561001 | Dispensing control with handy gun including electronic start button | 1 tk |
DISW1001 | DISTRIWEL 440 | 1 tk |
DISW1101 | DISTRIWEL 440 - 55/60mm dishes - 220V/50-60Hz | 1 tk |
DISW1001X | DISTRIWEL 440 with LINX printer kit (printer sold separately) | 1 tk |
DISW1101X | Distriwel 440 with LINX printer kit (printer sold separatly) | 1 tk |
DOSW1001 | DOSYWEL Peristaltic pump | 1 |
414000 | EasySpiral® Dilute | 1 tk |
412000 | EasySpiral® Plater | 1 tk |
413000 | EasySpiral® Pro Plater | 1 tk |
DISW3003 | Extra tubing - 5 meters | 1 |
561000 | FlexiPump® | 1 tk |
562000 | FlexiPump® Pro | 1 tk |
DISW2002 | Foot switch | 1 |
DILW2013 | Foot switch (USB) | 1 |
DILW1001 | Gravimetric DILUWEL with 1 dilupump | 1 tk |
DISW3002 | inner connector 6.4 to 4.8mm, 1 pcs | 1 tk |
DILW2012 | Keypad for Diluwel/Dosywel | 1 |
DILW4002 | Lab Page - Web live traceability | 1 |
513045 | Letkukokonaisuus DiluFlowhun yksi pumppu Ø 3,2mm | 1 tk |
POLW1001 | POLYWEL 3D - Automated tubes and bottles filler | 1 tk |
DISW3001 | Rotor pump precut out pipe (x5 pieces) | 5 |
DILW3003 | Rotor tubing 3.2mm | 5 |
DISW2001 | Second pump kit (If ordered for blood addition, do not forget Tubing set for blood addition : DISW2009) | 1 |
561102 | Set of siliconetubings inner ø 3.2 mm + GL45 screwcap + tube weight + inoxnozzle + filter | 1 tk |
DOSW2003 | Set of tubing 3.2mm with dispensing nozzle for DOSYWEL | 1 |
DOSW2002 | Set of tubing 4.8mm with dispensing nozzle for DOSYWEL | 1 |
DILW2002 | Set of tubing 6.4mm with dispensing nozzle for DILUWEL | 1 tk |
DOSW2001 | Set of tubing 6.4mm with dispensing nozzle for DOSYWEL | 1 |
561202 | Silicone tubing for single pump Ø 3,2mm | 5 tk |
513044 | Silicone tubings inner Ø 6,4 mm | 5 tk |
DISW2010 | T adapter (glass) | 1 |
DILW2011 | Ticket printer (USB) | 1 |
DILW2007 | Trocar (connector) for broth bags | 1 tk |
DISW3006 | Tubing 6/10 x 25 meters | 1 |
DISW2009 | Tubing kit for blood addition - (DISW2010 + 1/3 x DISW3003) | 1 |
DISW4028 | U.V light for DISTRIWEL | 1 |
DISW3005 | Waste cup 90 mm (x100 pieces) | 100 |